Wednesday, May 10, 2006

United 93

Sorry this one is a little late on the topic. I just now thought about putting this on. I first of all support this movie, though none of my family was lost I like many Americans fell sorrow for the families who lost family on 9/11. 98% of the families who lost family on that day support this movie but many peace activists and leftists don't or didn't want this movie coming out. Of course they didn't. A movie like this ruins there arguement that we need to sit back and leave these people alone and act as if there is no terrorist problem. Those people need to wake up. We have set back from Carter until Clinton all presidents in between have set back and haven't formally delt with them and we have been attacked over and over while Iran and N. Korea have used what we gave them towards getting what they wanted while Iraq and Afghanistan are slowly but surely becoming democracies. well i take something back Reagen did stand up to Qaddaffi in libya and sent the Navy(hoo-ah) to bomb some terrorists camps and stood up to terrorists and the soviets and Bush stood up to Saddam even though he let the idiot stay in power. But to get back to my point. This movie in my opinion is perfectly time. Most people seem to have forgotten about it or think about it but still have a pre-9/11 view with terrorism thinking if we sit back and be sweet hearts people like Bin Laden and Saddam will leave us alone and drop terrorism. This came at right time mostly for the part to waking people up to that problem with these people that are still in the world and to bring back memory of that horrific day.


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