Sunday, August 28, 2005

We MUST stay in Iraq

People People People. We must stay the course in Iraq. Look for those who are against it because we found no wmds, Saddam had facilities designed to make them and when we invaded were shown to be active in research and development and even found nuclear facilities. Also President Bush never said there was a connection between 9/11 and Saddam and the Baathish party. He siad in this post September the eleventh world we must face these terrorist abroad before they get us here and that the terrorist we are fighting in Iraq have the same hate for America and ideologies as those who attacked us on 9/11. We must stay for many reasons. If we pull out the Iraqi people will hate us. Terrorist will take the country over and recruit more terrorist from the army and they will be able to conduct a more effective war against America and be able to carry out attacks that will make 9/11 look like childs play. It will be harder to establish peace in the region. If we pull out we are not only showing that we are weak but telling Osama bin Laden, Abu musab Al-Zarqawi and all these other terrorist masterminds to attack us all you want we won't do nothing. Like I said it will show all these other countries that won't help us that we're weak and will make them want to sit back on their rear ends and not step up to the challenge like they need to as it is. But we do need more troops there though, that is the only thing you people on the left are right about.


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