Sunday, August 21, 2005

cindy sheehan

Man I think this woman needs to go home and quit being a nuisance to the President. He has already spoke to her before. Nobody cares what she has to say. Like Rush Limbaugh said, the constitution guarantees right to free speech but not the right to be heard. Only the group of anti-american people or the far left liberals care what she has to say. If we pull out it will be a mistake. We did right thing Saddam had technology to build wmds and sponsered terrorism. Also, it will only grow in number of terrorist and they will have a safe place to go and only will be able to conduct a more effeient war on America. She is dishonoring her sons sacrifice as well as all the troops who have died in the war on terror whether in Afghanistan or Iraq. Like I said she needs to leave because majority of America does not care and I'm tired of hearing about her as well as looking at her.
Ha, arrested. What now. The Anti-AMERICAN(not war) Cindy Sheehan has been arrested. This is what she gets for dishonoring her son's death and every Soldier, Airman, Sailor or Marine who has died, been injured, or has served there in Iraq once or more times to bring freedom to the Iraqi people and to take down a terrorist sponsering country. Now the hope for the Anti-American left is gone. Now President Bush doesn't haven't to worry about her and go on fighting the good fight.
well she's out. but haven't heard much about her lately. maybe she decided to go home and leave President Bush alone. she may be out of jail but she's on trial, that is still good.


Blogger Josh said...

i'm glad this woman's decided to shut up

11:56 AM  

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