Tuesday, September 13, 2005

where i stand on the issues

In this post I want to give my views on certain positions dealing with politics.

Abortion- I do not support in any way.

Gay marriage/rights- here I do not support in any shape or form. As the Christian I am and firmly believing that God does not like it and being the marriage is between a man and a woman not man and man or woman with woman I will not support it.

Taxes- I believe that the people should have low taxes and government should reduce spending because lower taxes creates better economic growth. Plus with taxes increases all the bureacracies make things complacated to get things done and programs that are not needed are created. Plus it is hard enough for the average man to make it by as it is. to come to think of it, the government uses our tax money for these health care programs so pretty much whether paying out of pocket or using health care we are still using our money since government took money that we worked for.

Defense- we should increase National Guard-air and army- on border along Canada-US and Mexico-US border. We should also spend more on military to give better benefits and make military larger because we simply don't have enough troops and intelligence capabilities. We should strike the enemy before they strike us whether it is Iraq, Iran, Syria, or North Korea. We must defend our country AT ALL COST.


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