A National Party No More
Now that I have gave some of my personal views I want to give reasons why I don't agree with the democratic party. They claim to be a moral party but where are the issues they are moral on. They support abortion on demand which is legal and kills millions of unborn children each year. There were more abortions in 2001 than on 9/11/01 meaning the terrorist attacks. They want to jack up taxes which i do agree for a short time we need a small tax hike to lower defiecit and fund hurricane relief than lowered again. They claim to be for civil rights but some of their main leaders during the 50's and 60's were part of the kkk and were segregationist. More Republicans voted for the civil rights acts. The democratic party no longer have a set of beliefs other than being the anti war party and supporting abortion, also too environmentally friendly. Don't get me wrong we need to do what we can to protect environment but we need to do to keep things up and running. Like Anwr they don't want us to dig up there but the part set aside for oil digging is no where near wildlife or where they live in the park so it will not harm them. They want to build all these programs but it has been proven that all the bureacracies complicate things and delay things when they are needed. They also want health programs but you have people like my home states John Edwards who made a living sueing doctors and now people hear in North Carolina can't afford going to the doctor unless they go on a payment programs then the doctors find a way to scheme more money out of you or you have to be rich to afford it. So why vote for a party who does nothing but nag the President.
Also they want to take out of school the very things this country was founded on and that is teaching the constitution, saying pledge of allegiance or anything that deals with God. They claim to be religously tolerant but are unless it is towards Christianity.
Also they want to take out of school the very things this country was founded on and that is teaching the constitution, saying pledge of allegiance or anything that deals with God. They claim to be religously tolerant but are unless it is towards Christianity.