Monday, January 30, 2017

So far

In a week and some change in I would have to say so far I am impressed with Trump. The immigration issue isn't perfect but he got things going in the direction they need to be going. I don't necessarily agree with the desire for the 20% border tax since it'll be a tax on middle & lower income Americans but I do understand the want for it. 

Thursday, December 01, 2016


Listening to both of them I can't help but to think that we may have hope. Obviously I don't agree in some areas or with some of cabinet picks but last few days I've had some sense of light or hope for the days ahead. 

Monday, October 10, 2016

Dear Republican Party

To our wonderful and fearless leaders in the Republican Party......looking at you Paul Ryan. You people are an absolute embarrassment no ifs, and's or buts about it. Year after year and legislation after legislation, action after action you have soon that as a whole you are absolutely useless and no different from the Democratic Party. You continue business as usual and make false half ass attempts to make it look like you are a opposition party. Well the people are no longer buying it. 

Listen to me very carefully you people created the path of Donald Trump to become the nomination of the party. The people are fed up. He is a man with obvious flaws but is running a campaign that is not perfect but will do what you guys fail to do. This country via trade, foreign aid, military treaties and so forth has continually been ripped off. Why are you people not on board with this. Why is having a fair deal with other countries in regards to trade a bad idea to you guys. 300 billion in deficits is not smart. Our tax and regulatory burden on top of it helps with driving companies and jobs elsewhere. Then add in flooding a already low job market with how many illegal immigrants. 

For the love of god what will it take for you guys to put true entrepreneurs, business leaders small and large as well as the American people first over the Wall Street types or the special interest groups and especially all the assholes around the world that are ripping us off. We are providing defense for other countries with our military personnel and/or financing the with our money.....probably borrowed of the Chinese. Why are they not picking up their tab or paying us the cost? 

Why are we giving billions of dollars a year to crony capitalists in this country via corporate welfare? Why do we have a welfare syste that punishes those that needs it but gives and gives to those sucking the system?

Look minus Cruz, Rand Paul, Mike Lee, Trey Gowdy, Mark Walker, Walter Jones, Justin Amash and Thomas Massie you Republicans are effectively democrats, maybe a few others. 

My point is this. For years you guys have raped the American people, broke the back of small business and have made a joke out of the party of Reagan, Lincoln, Coolidge and Eisenhower. For to long you have wanted to intervene around the world and for what, you've wanted more and more government and to not pay the price. You gave the world Donald Trump. SO STAND BY HIM!!!!!

I hereby endorse Donald J Trump.

Time to take back Washington. 


Thursday, March 26, 2015

The time is now

THe time is now for us to stand up and take it to Washington. There are more candidates to enter the race but with Ted Cruz already in the mix we have the perfect opportunity to get behind a leader and tell the establishment we've had enough. I know many libertarians will have a problem getting behind Cruz because of his more social conservative stances and slightly more aggressive foreign policy but it is a sacrifice that is needed to be taken. There is no perfect candidate but with Cruz and giving him a Congress that will back him we can start the real shift towards libertarianism.

We need men or women who can make the stand and fight the establishment. This is a man who will. Both parties hate him......Does that tell you something? It is time for us to be given our God given rights back as a whole and stop this republican and democrat horse crap of catering to one side over another and promote real liberty. Now is the hour to stand up and say we've had enough. But not only state we've had enough but tell them exactly what we want. And what do us and liberty conservatives or our full on libertarian friends want.

A smarter foreign policy. One that is backed with peace through strength but not getting involved in all affairs around the world.

A fiscally sound and smart government. One that knows exactly what it's spending and how it's spending.

NO IRS or Federal Reserve.

Gold Standard

Fair Tax

No illegal spying on US citizens by NSA

Auditing the entire government

Programs like Education returned to the states and more choice allowed

Government out of business entirely...NO CORPORATE WELFARE EITHER

No perpetual state of war....Sorry Lindsay Graham, Peter King and John McCain it doesn't work

A Pentagon and Veteran's Affairs that takes care of it's personal

More emphasis on proper English in english classes like in areas of grammar

More emphasis on math, science and history

Force colleges to get rid of programs like liberal sciences and other worthless degrees...I guarantee tuition drops

Get the federal governement out of the classrooms and universities


No Affirimative Action

It is time we take a stand and take the country back and turn it around and we have the opportunity to do so. But will we do it?

Monday, March 23, 2015

Liberal hypocrisy

With Ted Cruz running and his time in senate the democrats have questions his eligibility for president because of Cuban born parent and born in Canada. My question is why are you going for Cruz when it was the same lot of you defending Obama despite the questions of his father and what not. It's the same thing they were born to American mothers. 

To me it's kind of like during second Bush's administration the Democrats were all anti-war but were in full swing with their support for Obamas wanting to go into Libya and Syria. Liberal hypocrisy in full swing. 

Ted Cruz

I must say I am excited about Ted Cruz running for president. 

Friday, January 02, 2015

Trying to get back committed here

I would love to start posting back here more often but can't decide on what to post about. If any one seems this feel free to give me suggestions. My only request is that it's related to events regarding politics or culture

Sunday, November 30, 2014


Another late post. 

Well it's timed for me to give my two cents. Here's my problem. The GOP may have taken over the senate and increased control in the house but will it bring change to America? No! 

Here is why I say no. The gop in Washington is run by establishment big government moderates who talk a big game but when push comes to shove will tend to buckle and cave in for the sake of "working  together". Where is the leadership in truly standing up to Obama and him trampling of the Constitution, where is real challenging and taking to issues like tax reform, entitlement spending reform, auditing the entire federal government to truly be able to slash the budget, why are we not looking at closing bases around the world that is not needed, why are republicans not looking to reign in the irs or the federal reserve, returning us to a tight money and gold standard policy? 

I could go on if I so pleased. You may here and there about the Fed or the NSA or maybe something about taxes and spending but where has any real action been? 

But you people really expect republicans to take charge? Where were they before? I do not see the republicans taking any real actions to put bills in he presidents desk that he won't like and really challenging him. They've not really challenged him up till now as a whole. 

To my republican friends we will not see true conservatism until we out more people like Trey Gowdy, Mike Lee, Mia Love, Tim Scott or Ted Cruz or Rand Paul into power. To my fellow North Carolinians we had a chance to not put another big government type like Thom Tillis in power but you people followed the money trail and not the principal trail. If you had followed the issues and looked at the one candidate who ran on a pro liberty, anti government, anti big government agenda and that was a man of character you people would have flocked to Greg Brannon. If we would have nominated him he would have won hands down blowing Hagan even more out of the water. 

If we are wanting to truly turn America around after the elections we have to buck up to the establishment and get rid of their candidates and get the Brannon's in. 

With the reelection of types like Thad Cochran and Lindsey Graham and the fact that big government types are running the committees for the most part it will be business as usual. And you ask, "what is business as usual?" It is more foreign aid, more crony capitalism, more federal reserve, NSA spying, more police militarization, more big government at home while even bigger government at home. 

At this rate we will never see the EPA, Irs, federal reserve gone. We will not see the fair tax enacted nor will we see a audited and reformed government. True free market capitalism will not be restored here.