Dear Republican Party
To our wonderful and fearless leaders in the Republican Party......looking at you Paul Ryan. You people are an absolute embarrassment no ifs, and's or buts about it. Year after year and legislation after legislation, action after action you have soon that as a whole you are absolutely useless and no different from the Democratic Party. You continue business as usual and make false half ass attempts to make it look like you are a opposition party. Well the people are no longer buying it.
Listen to me very carefully you people created the path of Donald Trump to become the nomination of the party. The people are fed up. He is a man with obvious flaws but is running a campaign that is not perfect but will do what you guys fail to do. This country via trade, foreign aid, military treaties and so forth has continually been ripped off. Why are you people not on board with this. Why is having a fair deal with other countries in regards to trade a bad idea to you guys. 300 billion in deficits is not smart. Our tax and regulatory burden on top of it helps with driving companies and jobs elsewhere. Then add in flooding a already low job market with how many illegal immigrants.
For the love of god what will it take for you guys to put true entrepreneurs, business leaders small and large as well as the American people first over the Wall Street types or the special interest groups and especially all the assholes around the world that are ripping us off. We are providing defense for other countries with our military personnel and/or financing the with our money.....probably borrowed of the Chinese. Why are they not picking up their tab or paying us the cost?
Why are we giving billions of dollars a year to crony capitalists in this country via corporate welfare? Why do we have a welfare syste that punishes those that needs it but gives and gives to those sucking the system?
Look minus Cruz, Rand Paul, Mike Lee, Trey Gowdy, Mark Walker, Walter Jones, Justin Amash and Thomas Massie you Republicans are effectively democrats, maybe a few others.
My point is this. For years you guys have raped the American people, broke the back of small business and have made a joke out of the party of Reagan, Lincoln, Coolidge and Eisenhower. For to long you have wanted to intervene around the world and for what, you've wanted more and more government and to not pay the price. You gave the world Donald Trump. SO STAND BY HIM!!!!!
I hereby endorse Donald J Trump.
Time to take back Washington.