Wednesday, January 20, 2010

have we kept it?

i've been sitting back and thinking lately about our nations politics and of all the states of our country. it's making me think of something glenn beck said on his show a little over a year ago before he switched to fox news. he was talking about the bailouts, stimulus packages, the amount of people who can keep themselves up or to afraid to try making of themselves living off of government programs and stuff. he told a story a conversation between an older lady who was a citizen of philadelphia and benjamin franklin. the revolutinary war was over and the continental congress was trying to figure out what type of government they were going to try and set up. well news had hit the street that the type of government was decided and they-the founders- let out since it was evening time. well the lady stopped ben franklin and asked well mr. franklin what kind of government did you give us. he said we gave you a republc but can you keep it-knowing good and well the outcome of America's future rested in the hands of the public.......

well my question to you whoever reads is...have we kept it? with the government taking over part of gm, some of the banks, and now trying the health care industry and insurance and state governments now dependant of federal government financing their budgets instead of balancing them growing the state econonies and denying federal money and government now sticking its finger in every little thing it can our politicians condeming ceos business's owners for making to much money all the while buying jets and fueling them to go back to thier home states on tax payer money. so have we, are we still a representative republic that our founders like washington, adams, jefferson, sam adams, hamilton or any other gave or have we entered the path of becoming a socialist republic if not one already.


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