isreali/palestinian conflict
Most of the time i will not get into it about the conflicts between two other countries especially if it deals with one of our allies defending itself. i know i am late on reacting to this and to be honest i wasn't but after over three weeks of watching it and listening to all the moaning and groaning of some many people from all over the world i figured it was time to write and give my two cents. for all you whining, moaning, groaning, peace activists pansies here is my question to you. After giving the palestinians land, money aid and what else they have asked for and they keep suicide bombing you, firing rockets into your cities killing your woman, children, men, elderly destroying your land, what do you expect the people and government to do? you know good and well if hezbollah, alqaeda, farc, hamas or whatever terrorist group was sitting across our border doing the same exact thing you would be the same people raising hell for action to be taken. so my other question to you is whats the difference of isreal and us defending ourselves from rogue terrorists groups like this? if any one reads this please i want feedback i want to be able to comprehend you idiots. i leave with this and i know no one from the isreali government will read or hear of this but "keep up the fight, stay in it to win it is time these people leave your country and your people alone and it is time they and the world know that you are ready to take on the challenge and are tired of putting of with their- hamas's- crap and if i was you i would tell in other words tell the palestianian government and the crooked weak you know what UN to go screw themselves.