conservatives let's wake up
This is to my fellow conservatives. It is time we stand up. We need to get out call up our representative and senators at the local, state and federal level and get them to put out conservative legislation we ahve for the last 8 years let moderate republicanism run our party and they way we have legistalated and we put up another moderate republican which cost us the election last week. People are tired of this bullcrap of the way washington d.c has been run for the last 8 years, including myself. It is time we push for limited government and drastically reduced government spending. President Reagon put it best man is not truly free unless government is limited and besides its legitmate uses government is nowhere near as effective, economically or providing off goods as that of the private sector. We also need to push for more social change in this country. Far to long have we let abortions go unchecked life is the greatest thing other than freedom that God has given this world it's time we stand up for the life of the unborn. we also need to make sure that we as a nation put God first far to long have we strayed from him. If we forget that we are a nation under God, then we will become a nation gone under. we also need to pressure our politicians aobut social programs like welfare and things like it and say begone with them far to long have you taken money from the pockets of the middle class and the upper class and given it to thousand of able working americans and for what the people who need it and try to improve their lifes have there share taken from them. All we need to say is that best social program is what we call a "job", allow the economy to grow. countries and governements crumple when we as a people start asking of things that we as a citizenry would better provide for ourselves. we need to pressure conservatives, republican or democrat, that we need to pressure our enemies. peace should not mean absence of war but true peace lies on the pillars individual freedom, national self dependance and respect for the rule of law. if we can get our conservative politicians to stand up and lead and rebuild what reagon started and gingrinch fine tuned in the 90s like fiscal responsibility we can rebuild conservatism as well as take our economy, our nation, our military and our stance in this world to a whole new level.