illegal immigration
As you all know there is a debate in congress about what to do with illegal immigration. Before I start talking I want to say I have no problem with immigrants if they come here legally. But what i would like to do is give my opinion on what to do is. First stronger border patrol. Second make all the illegals go home if we can or make them pay all the taxes we have to but alittle more. But my main opinion is what I said in part in last sentence send them home and give the jobs they come here and take back to the American people. Politicians on the right and the left want to say the do jobs Americans won't do but I say Americans can't do jobs because they come here illegaly and take them so Americans can't do them. One thing i don't understand these illegals can get immigration but the American people that need it can't. does that makes sense that illegals and crackheads who don't work can get all this government money but people who truly needed can't get help. leave me your thoughts on this and any other of my blogs.