Tuesday, November 29, 2005

The majority of troops opinion on Iraq

Hey to you anti-American leftist and everyone else nagging about Iraq get this. I was watching the local fox news station here this morning-11-19-05- that majority of the troops are asking that we don't start pulling out of Iraq because they want to get there job done and want to stay because they believe in what they are doing for the Iraqis, if they are ok with the fighting why can't you people stop whining and complaining about being there you aren't the one who fighting they are they are the ones going through the stress of being away from their wifes, husbands, kids, parents and the rest of their families and are getting shot at so please do me a favor and stop demoralizing them and show a little support for them.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

The War in Iraq/Saddam Hussein

The war is just. Saddam was a brutal dictator who tortured his own people. He has harbored terrorism. He had the technology to build wmds. He probably had them and would not have been hard for him to smuggle them into Syria or Iran since he knew we were coming to look for them because we told him we wanted to come in and look for them. His sons were as psychotic as him. He probably helped fund Al-Qaeda or other terrorist groups in that region. He was a threat to other countries in that region. He was a tyrant and the list can go on and on. Many of the troops except the small handfuls who signed up for the military for the money for college or the other benefits and thats it believe in what we are doing. Oh just heard this the other day(like nov 10th or around that time) that during the 9/11 commision when the Defense Secretary for Clinton was testifying he siad that during 97 or 98 that Al-Queda went to BAGHDAD to get chemical bombs- you know weapons with chemical agents that can kill alot of people. So that just proves what the President, State Secretary Rice and Defense Secretary Rumsfeld have been saying all along. You know with all this immediate withdrawing stuff, Bush lied People died crap, what about all the Iraqis who will die during a civil war when the Al-qaeda in Iraq and not well trained enough army face off and terrorist win how many people day what about that. I am all for a withdrawal the sooner the better but we need to catch or kill Zarqawi first and train enough well trained soldiers first before we can do that.